Breakfast Choices You Can Get Behind
While it sounds cliché, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A boost of nourishment first thing in the morning serves may purposes- it primes our metabolism for the day ahead, energizes us and reduces the likelihood of overeating later in the day. In fact, studies have proven that skipping breakfast results in greater caloric intake throughout the day versus a day where breakfast is consumed. I’ve had the same observation in working with clients; those who skip breakfast tend to be more successful with weight loss when they build this meal back into their daily routine. Given the role that breakfast plays, it’s equally as critical that this meal be nutritionally balanced. Sadly, many traditional breakfast foods/meals are heavy in one nutrient, yet lacking in another. There’s nothing worse than starting your day with a sugar crash, am I right?
One of the top reasons clients report that they forgo breakfast is lack of time. I’ll be the first to say that breakfast does not need to be involved. There are plenty of grab and go options on the market to ensure you get a balanced boost to start your day. Today’s post is all about sharing my favorite ideas.
If You Have 5-10 Min to Make Yourself Something in the AM
Avocado Toast: Toast 1 slice of whole grain bread (Dave’s Killer Bread is my favorite), top with 1/3 sliced avocado or ¼ cup guacamole + 1 egg (prepare based on your liking; hard boiled is going to streamline things)
Yogurt Parfait: ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt OR a low sugar variety such as Siggi’s + ½ cup fresh fruit + ¼ cup low sugar granola (Bear Naked Fit is great)
Peanut Butter & Banana Toast: 1 slice of whole grain bread + 2 Tbsp nut butter + ½ sliced banana
Smoothie: I’ll be honest in saying this would be my last choice. I’m a huge proponent of chewing (vs. drinking) your meals to promote satiety. If smoothies are the only way you’ll get breakfast in, forget the juice and follow this basic formula: ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt + 1 cup frozen fruits/vegetables + ½ cup milk of your choice.
If You Are Open to Meal Prep
Baked Oatmeal: While I have tried to like oatmeal multiple times, this is the only way I’ll eat it. Make a batch on the weekend and serve yourself an individual portion each morning warmed in the microwave. Consider adding a boost of protein such as a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Breakfast Sandwiches or Burritos: I have come to love both of these recipes. While each recipe will require about 1 hour of your time on the weekend, you’ll be thrilled to wake up on weekday mornings knowing you have a delicious breakfast waiting. To streamline reheating, I like to transfer my sandwich/burrito for the next AM out of the freezer and into the fridge 24 hours in advance. Both recipes can be adjusted to suit dietary preferences. I always use whole grain English muffins for the sandwiches and add a can of drained black beans to the burritos.
If You Need Something to Keep at the Office
Instant Oatmeal: I highly recommend choosing a variety low in sugar and high in protein. Doug love’s Wild Friends Oats & Nut Butter cups. Think Thin’s Madagascar Vanilla, Almonds and Pecan has been a hit among clients.
RX Bar + Fruit: In my opinion, the RX Bar is the best bar option out there due to its nutritional profile and simple ingredients list. In general, I wouldn’t recommend bars as an everyday breakfast, but they’re a great option in a hurry.
Peanut Butter Toast: As above, but just keep everything at the office.
Avocado Toast: To streamline things for the office, purchase individual guacamole cups and pre-peeled hard boiled eggs.
Yogurt Parfait: As above, but keep everything at the office.
If You Spend a Lot of Time Travelling/In Airports (Aka Best Choices at Starbucks)
Starbucks Sous Vide Egg Bites + Fruit
Siggis Yogurt + Fruit
Oatmeal (without sugar packet) + Hard-boiled Egg
Options You’ll Never See Me Recommending
Cold Cereal: While I too grew up eating cold cereal, it’s unfortunate that this has become a favorite breakfast option across both the US and Canada. As a rule, cold cereal tends to be low in protein and high in sugar, setting you up for a blood sugar crash and hunger pains before 9 AM.
Breakfast Meats: In general, they’re high in sodium, low in protein and have health implications. Should you avoid them? No, but think of them as a garnish rather than as a main component to your meal.
Pastries: This one is self-explanatory- high sugar, high fat, low protein.
Bagels: Did you know that the carbohydrates of one bagel are equivalent to 4 slices of bread? If you are going to opt for one, consider sticking to half, choosing whole grain and pairing with a decent source of protein.
Juices: AKA soda for breakfast. While juice does provide us with some vitamins and minerals, it spikes the blood sugar and does nothing for satiety. If you’re craving some fresh OJ, consider having the orange itself.
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